Giving Back
One of the best parts of being part of a club is the opportunity to work together to help others.
Our first project of 2012 was to collect dolls and accessories to donate to local charities.
Club members got together in April to re-style and re-dress the donations.
We were able to donate over 40 dolls to two local charities during the first event.
We were able to make more donations in December 2012.
The club now donates on a regular basis and has donated over 800 dolls. We hope to reach 1,000 dolls in 2019 to celebrate our 10th club anniversary.
Members also participate in a collection drive at our Christmas party and donate to Tots every December.
Time with our hairdressing team was the first step in the process.
The next step was getting styled in just the right outfit and accessories.
All the dolls we worked on are displayed.
The dolls were then packaged with a card from our club and tied with Barbie ribbon.
A volunteer accepts our donation.